

Chengyuan High Tech Materials

Chlorinated Alkanes and Brominated
Alkanes Production Base



Identification Product name: 2-chloropropane
English name: 2-chloropropane
Molecular formula: CH3CHClCH3 Molecular weight: 78.54
Structural formula:
CAS No.: 75-29-6 RTECS No.:  UC7200000
HS code:  2903299000 UN No:  2356
Dangerous goods code: 31020 IMDG Code Page:  
Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance and properties: Colorless liquid
Uses: Used as a solvent and used in the manufacture of isopropylamine.
Melting point: -117.6℃ Boiling point: 35~36°C
Relative density (water=1): 0.86 Moisture : ≤0.05% 
Assay : ≥99% PH value: 6.0~8.0
Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 28.11 psi ( 55 °C) Solubility: Colorless liquid。It is miscible with ethanol and ether, and slightly soluble in water.
Critical temperature (℃): 221 Critical pressure (MPa): 4.72
Heat of combustion (kj/mol): 2014.8
Combustion and explosion hazard Conditions to avoid: Open flame, high temperature, oxidant
Flammability: Extremely flammable Building regulation fire insurance classification: A
Flash point (℃): −32℃ Self-Ignition temperature(℃): 590℃
Lower explosive limit (V%): 2.8 Upper explosive limit (V%): 10.7
Hazardous characteristics: Heated. Open flame can explode; mixed with air to form explosive mixture
Combustion (decomposition) products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride Stability: Stable
Incompatible materials: Strong oxidant, strong alkali. Polymerization hazards: No aggregation
Fire fighting methods: Dry powder, foam, carbon dioxide, 1211
Risk category: 3 Packaging sign of Dangerous goods: Flammable and harmful
Packaging and transportation Packing group:  I
Directions for storage and transportation: The warehouse is ventilated, low temperature and dry; it is stored and transported separately from oxidants and acids


2-chloropropane quality index

Item Index value
Appearance  Colorless liquid
Molecular formula  CH3CHClCH3
Assay ≥  99%
Density (d2020)g/cm3 0.86 
PH value  6.0~8.0
Moisture ≤  0.05%

Main Products: 1-Chloropropane  |  2-chloropropane  |  1-chlorobutane  |  2-Chlorobutane  |  Bromoethane  |  1-Bromopropane  |  2-1-Bromopropane  |  

Yixing Chengyuan High Tech Materials Co., Ltd.

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